Your Guide to Ectropion Repair

While some eye drops and lubricating ointments can help relieve some of the side effects caused by ectropion, surgery is the primary way to correct it. At Nava Face & Eye, board-certified oculofacial plastic surgeon Dr. Caroline Vargason can help correct ectropion and restore your eyelids to their natural shape.

What Is Ectropion Surgery?

Ectropion surgery is a procedure to correct the eyelids when they have turned outwards. Ectropion can be caused by the natural aging process or as the result of an injury. During the surgery, a portion of the lower eyelid is removed and reshaped to its original form. 

Benefits of Ectropion Surgery

  • Restore the natural eyelid shape
  • Help patients appear younger 
  • Stop chronic dry eye 
  • Prevent irritation of the eyes 
  • Reduce the risk of infections, including conjunctivitis 
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Why Choose Dr. Vargason?

Your eyes and the areas around them are some of your most delicate features. When choosing a surgeon to perform work around the eyes, it is important to select someone with specialized knowledge of the area. Dr. Vargason is a board-certified oculofacial plastic surgeon who has performed over 5,000 eyelid surgeries. She uses her artistic eye to create natural-looking results for her patients, whether they are undergoing reconstructive or cosmetic work. When you visit Dr. Vargason, you can rest easy knowing your eyes are in the hands of an expert. 

Who Is a Candidate?

Candidates for this procedure will have ectropion on one or both eyelids. Dr. Vargason will conduct a physical examination of your eyes to determine if you are a candidate for surgery and review your medical history to ensure you are in a good condition for surgery.

Once this is complete, she will discuss your goals for the procedure, using this as a roadmap to guide her surgery.

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Your Surgery 

The specific steps of your surgery will depend on the condition of the tissue that surrounds your eyelids and if your ectropion was the result of an injury. You will be lightly sedated during the procedure and have a local anesthetic applied around the eyelid. This will help you remain calm and relaxed during the procedure. 

A small portion of the eyelid will be removed from the outer edge if your ectropion is due to muscle relaxation from age. Dr. Vargason will then stitch the lid together and tighten the surrounding tendons and muscles. This allows the lid to return to its proper position.

If your ectropion is due to injury or previous surgery, you may require a skin graft. The graft will be taken from the upper eyelid or behind the ear and used to support the lower eyelid. Using a skin graft will help shape the eyelid into its original shape. 

Your Recovery 

Once the surgery is complete, you will be monitored to ensure the healing process begins smoothly. After this, you will be able to return home to recover. You may need to wear an eyepatch for 24 hours and be given antibiotic ointment to apply to the eye. 

Bruising and swelling are expected for the first week after surgery and will resolve on their own. Your eyelid may feel tight after the surgery, but it will begin to feel more natural as you begin to heal.

Schedule Your Consultation

If you are experiencing ectropion and looking to correct it with surgery, contact Nava Face & Eye. Dr. Vargason founded Nava Face & Eye to provide patient-focused Oculoplastic Surgery care to our community.

We are dedicated to upholding the highest standards of care with each of our patients. We use evidence-based medical knowledge and meticulous attention to every detail to ensure you receive the best possible care at every visit. If you are interested in ectropion surgery, contact our office to schedule a consultation

Ectropion FAQs

Is there any way to prevent ectropion?

Is ectropion dangerous?

Is there any way to prevent ectropion?

While ectropion cannot be prevented, it can be treated to help ensure it does not impact your life.

Is ectropion dangerous?

Ectropion can lead to irritation of the eyes and even infection. If you are experiencing ectropion, it is important to have your condition evaluated by an ophthalmologist.

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